These young women have come out from the city one hot summer's day to cool off by the waterside.The realism of this very sensual scene is manifest in the frankness of the faces and postures.
This very modern subject prefigures the future popularity of the banks of the Seine, celebrated by the Impressionists a generation later. This work, unique in its modern subject and unusually large format for a genre scene, broke away from the conventions of the day. Courbet, always a provocateur, unleashed a critical scandal by exhibiting the Young Ladies at the Salon in 1857.
Discover the painting in very high definition thanks to its digitization in gigapixel as part of the Paris Musées Second Canvas project!
City of Paris municipal collection's website
The collections portal can be used to search the collections of Paris’s 14 municipal museums (approximately 336,000 works, including 43,000 belonging to the Petit Palais).
It is also possible to download around 12,000 images of the museum’s works free of charge.
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Discover a selection of databases online presenting works from the Petit Palais or documents concerning the history of the museum.